Quick Tip for Punched Paper Flowers
4x4 Quick Card

English Ivy Stationery card

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 I think this may be a hidden gem in the catalog... have you used the English Ivy Simple Sentiments stationery and envelopes yet?

 You will find it on pg 160 in the current annual Stampin' Up! catalog #127538, $9.95, or HERE ONLINE

English ivy fan fair card 1

I combined the stationery with a piece of DSP from the FAN FAIR package #126918, a Primrose Petals flag, a die cut from the Delicate Doilies Sizzlit #126999 cut from the First Edition DSP #121878, and a butterfly punch #127526 and In Color Dahlia #127556

English ivy fan fair card 2

127538 english ivy stationery
English Ivy Stationery #127538

126918 fan fair dsp

Fan Fair Designer Paper #126918


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Gerri Kowalski

Another tool to work with the paper punched flowers to make them 3D, is your stylus. I've been doing that for years. Before the paper piercing mat/tools, I used an old computer mouse mat (forget what they're called).

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