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Stampin Up Spring Catalog Accessory Share

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2013 Stampin' Up! Spring Catalog

Accessory Share

from Patty Bennett

Look at just a few of the cute accessories and new papers you will receive in your Accessory Share!!

Spring catalog dress up sneak peek  


$21.00 + $5.15 Priority Shipping

 Per Stampin' Up! policy, I am not allowed to post a paypal button here on my blog for the shares,

so if you are interested in receiving an accessory share as described below,


to order your SAMPLING of new Accessories

at [email protected] indictating your interest in the Spring Catalog Accessory Share and include your Paypal email address, your name, address and phone #, AND I WILL SEND YOU A PAYPAL INVOICE as soon as I get each group of 4 people interested in the share.  email me: [email protected]

I will be placing the first order for these shares on Jan. 3rd and expediting the shipping so I can mail these right back out to you Priority Mail!

Patty spring accessory share

2013 Spring Catalog Accessory Share Includes:

  • 12" (approx) Delicate Details Lace tape (pg 3) 
  • six pieces 6x6 Tea For Two DSP (pg 3)
  • 1/2 yard (approx) 5/8" Flower Trim (pg 5)
  • 6 Paper Doilies (pg 5)
  • 4 pieces (2 round, 2 square) Creped Filter Paper (pg 6)
  • 10 Large Rhinestones (pg 8)
  • six pieces 6x6 More Amore Specialty DSP (pg 10)
  • 4 Designer Builder Brad sets (pg 12)
  • 12 pieces 4-1/2" x 6-1/2" Print Poetry DSP (pg 16)
  • six pieces 6x6 Parker's Patterns DSP (pg 20)
  • 4 Basics Designer Buttons (2 each 2 sizes) pg 20
  • 4 Soda Pop Tops (2 each 2 sizes) pg 24
  • 3 Hung Up Cute Clips (pg 28)
  • 3 Elements Cute Clips (pg 28)
  • six pieces 6x6 Sunshine & Sprinkles DSP (pg 28)

(Share only available to US addresses.)

After emailing me at [email protected] with your interest in this share INCLUDING YOUR PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS, your name, address and phone #, I will confirm with you when I have a group of 4 people, and I will email you a paypal invoice, then I will order the product from Stampin' Up! and divide and package it and mail the share back out to you.  Shares are shipped USPS Priority Mail to US addresses only.  All paypal orders include free delivery confirmation.

I will always do my best to get this product out to you as soon as possible, and I will be putting in the first expedited order for products on Jan. 3 2013, and sending them right back out as soon as they arrive here,  then I will be ordering each new batch of products as soon as each group of 4 fills after that. If you join this share after Jan. 2nd, you can expect your shares to arrive in approx 7 to 10 days.

If you are in my Luv 2 Stamp Group or you do not need the share shipped to you, be sure to ask me about your discounted price!

Thank you, and please email me with any questions you have.

Patty Bennett email:  [email protected]


Signature flower red 2

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facsmom/The "other" Patty Bennett

One of our favorite Christmas traditions is a low key Christmas Eve service at our church-lots of scripture and the Christmas carols to guitar. Many a child has come to that service in PJ's. In fact, this year many of those PJ clad children are now parents bringing their own PJ clad children to the service.

Thanks for sharing your pictures and memories.

Patty-what a deal the accessory shares are for your customers! How can they lose?

Sounds like this past year was a little easier for your family. Blessings to you in 2013!


I just received your 2013 Spring Accessory Share … and it is BEYOND FABULOUS! I am sooooooooo very, very impressed with your careful packaging as well as how everything is so nicely organized. Labeling each of the DSP collections eliminates any confusion about what's what -- and I really appreciate that. THANK YOU, Patty, for offering this wonderful product sampler. All of the Stampin' Up! items are awesome, and it was a real pleasure receiving it from you. Thanks again!

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